Filipino Catholic Community in Gouda Turns 25

Filipino Catholic Community in Gouda Turns 25

A documentation of the 25th anniversary celebration by Mary Lynn van Dijk

On May 28, 2023, twenty-five and a half years since five Filipinos organized the first once-a-month Mass in Gouda in December 1997, the FCC Gouda celebrated their silver anniversary. Since it was a very special occasion for the community, and not just because it was Pentecost Sunday, Father Mark Robin Hoogland, CP, concelebrated the Mass with Father Marcel Uzoigwe, CSSp.

Father Mark Robin and Father Marcel and the FCC Gouda acolytes, Rena, Elpi and Gio. Photo by Mercy Ordiz.

Everyone had been asked to dress in Filipiniana. The ladies were especially lovely in their ternos and kimonas, while their Dutch and Filipino men were handsome in their barong Tagalog. Because Father Marcel was himself a birthday celebrant, after Communion, he joined the others who had their birthdays in May, while Father Mark Robin blessed them.

Father Mark Robin blessing the birthday celebrants. Photo by Mercy Ordiz.

After the Mass, the FCC Gouda commemorated their 25th anniversary with a potluck dinner and a program of singing, dancing and playing parlor games. The celebrations began with Hans Oosterwijk, FCC Gouda Secretary, looking dapper in his light beige barong Tagalog, thanking everyone, but especially the event’s sponsors, the names of whom are listed at the end of this article. Then he turned over the microphone to Father Marcel who looked handsome in his bright white barong Tagalog. Father Marcel led us in a prayer of thanks.

Father Marcel wearing his white barong Tagalog. Photo by Mercy Ordiz.

Hans then introduced Father Mark Robin Hoogland, CP, who had celebrated masses for eight months. Father Mark Robin is Provincial Superior of the SPE for the Netherlands and North Germany, President of the Executive Board of the Conference of Religious based in the Netherlands (KNR), Member of the Advisory Board of the Radboud University of Nijmegen’s Faculty of Theology, and has a PhD in Theology obtained from the Catholic University of Leuven. Father Mark Robin recalled being invited, and after talking with the FCC Gouda Board, agreeing to say the masses in Gouda, after Father Dan Ceballos, msc, suddenly died in August 2016. He also talked about learning from us, that he admires our spirit of community. On a recent trip to the Philippines where because it was thought too dangerous for him to be in Mindanao, he stayed in Manila. There he was able to witness firsthand Filipino culture. He did not mind eating rice in the morning, but it was hot. In the evenings, it cooled down to 27 degrees C which was bearable. Like other Dutch people, he couldn’t quite understand how it is (possible) that very rich people and very poor people could live beside each other. Father Mark Robin added that he admired our FCC Gouda members’ commitment to being active in the church, to helping each other adjust to the culture, climate, and language, but especially the food, which must be very different from what we are used to.

He told us, “You brought your faith with you. You are missionaries yourselves. In sharing your faith, you are doing what the apostles were sent out to do at the very first Pentecost.” He congratulated the FCC Gouda, and urged us to continue with what we are doing. In parting, Father Mark Robin said, “Pagpapalain kayo nawa ng Diyos.” Thank you, Father Mark Robin! May God bless you, too. Then it was time to congratulate our dear Father Marcel, who had celebrated his birthday on May 25th. Amor van Os, FCC Gouda Chair, called on Jane Streefland-Osigan, FCC Gouda Treasurer, to bring a large box to the front which Hans presented to Father Marcel who seemed pleased to receive it and said thanks.

Then came the first presentation of the evening. Vivian Santua, Marietta Boswinkel-Retuya, Christy Jong-Seno, Benny Farma, Marivic Adema, Luz van Starre, Jenny Luna, Dita Koolwaaij-Subeldia and Catherine de Wild sang Ako ay Pinoy and Matayog ang Saranggola ni Pepe under the masterful guidance of FCC Gouda choir mistress Susan Horn-Perez. Tony Farma and John Santua accompanied them on their guitars.

The FCC Gouda Choir singing Ako ay Pinoy and Matayog ang Saranggola ni Pepe. Photo by Mary Lynn van Dijk.

Mr Frank Marcus, Vicevoorzitter of the Parochie Sint Jan de Doper in Gouda, was supposed to give a short talk. He gave it instead during the Mass. He related the beginnings of FCC Gouda, how in December 1997, the first once-monthly mass was held, organized by five Filipinos living in Gouda and Gouderak. (Note: Billy Hoogendoorn and Rebecca Oosterling are two of those original organizers who are still active in FCC Gouda.) He also related how in 1999, the Filipino Catholic Community (FCC) was established, with groups in Rotterdam, Dordrecht, Tilburg and Gouda. Father Dan Ceballos, msc, was appointed pastor and he said a mass each Sunday in a different location. (Note: With Father Dan’s untimely demise in August 2016, and after it was decided that the four FCCs go their separate ways, several priests were invited to say the Mass, until in 2018, Father Marcel Uzoigwe, CSSp, agreed to become shepherd to the FCC Gouda flock.) Mr Marcus added that on behalf of the parochie he was pleased to say that we are welcome to use the church for our masses and other activities for the next 25, 50, or even 75 years. We gave him a big applause. He then called on Amor, who has been FCC Gouda’s voorzitter for the last 12 years, and handed her a bouquet with 25 cream roses.

Frank Marcus and Amor. Photo by Mercy Ordiz.

Going back to the program, it was the turn of Consul Mr Nomer B. Ado II to give a speech. He was in Gouda on behalf of Ambassador Malaya, and after thanking the FCC Gouda for the invitation, relayed his congratulations. May we continue to foster the Filipino spirit in the Catholic Church, he said, and spread the kindness and hospitality of Filipinos all over the world. He also wished us the best for the celebration.

Consul Ado from the Philippine Embassy in The Hague giving his short talk. Photo by Mercy Ordiz.

As an intermission, Amor, now the emcee, took out the bunch of 25 roses and holding it up, said that the flowers were for all of us. She then gave it to Mercy Ordiz to distribute, with two flowers each for Billy and Rebecca. Next on the program was the medley of songs sung by Glenda Huisveld-Adonis and Leah Kilian-Macatangay, of the Salamat Musika group, and the FCC Dordrecht. They sang very well indeed.

Glenda and Leah singing their medley. Photo by Marissa van der Graaf.

After thanking them, Amor called on each of the past and present FCC Gouda Board members to come forward. She thanked them for their help and efforts and handed each of them a small present. Then Jane Streefland-Osigan, Martin Streefland, Susan Horn-Perez, Elpi Gutierrez, Irene Hameete, Jenny Luna, and Hans Oosterwijk posed for a photo with Amor.

As another short intermission, Amor called on couples to dance. Lovella and Lennart van der Weiden obliged as well as Vivian and John Santua and Benny and Tony Farma. They danced to the music played by Nova and Norie who comprise DJ Oxie2.

As it was almost 18:00, a break was deemed necessary so that people could have dinner. Everyone obediently took their place in a long queue, waiting patiently for their turn to get some food from the dining table full of mostly Filipino and Dutch (or other Western-style) dishes.

While some had eaten, and others were eating, the PowerPoint presentation created by Myra Colis was beamed on the wall. Father Marcel provided a commentary as photos were shown of the activities undertaken by the FCC Gouda in the last twelve years. (Note: Previous FCC Gouda Board members did not have the foresight to take photos.) In December 2016, the FCC Gouda Board changed the name of the community to FCC Gouda and (Its) Surroundings, and applied for recognition as a foundation. In January 2020, the FCC Gouda Foundation received ANBI status, which means periodic donations to FCC Gouda could be declared in one’s belastingaangifte (income tax return) and could theoretically reduce one’s tax due by the same amount of the gift. If the reader wishes to make a periodic donation to FCC Gouda, please contact one of the Board members.

The PowerPoint presentation featured photographs taken of the many activities FCC Gouda as a community has undertaken to fulfill its three core activities: Worship and Prayer, Services, and Improvement and Growth. The full presentation can be viewed on the Facebook page of FCC Gouda and Surroundings. Lovella van der Weiden and Christy Jong-Seno gave testimonials. Towards the end of the presentation, Father Gilbert Razon, SVD, who had celebrated a few Masses, admonished us to “huwag mag-away, mag-away” (don’t quarrel [with each other]) and wished us the best on this our 25th anniversary.

After this, we watched with delight as FCC Gouda dancers danced to the music of Mamang Sorbetero. Lea van Rhijn-Saga, Elpi Gutierrez, Rena van Kleunen, Irene Hameete, Jane Streefland-Osigan, Luz van Starre, Amor van Os, and Billy Hoogendoorn wore straw hats and kimonas over matching skirts. Kristine Baul Morsy played the role of the sorbetero (ice cream man) and she, too, had a straw hat on, a cool box to put in the ice cream, and a bell which she jiggled, like a real sorbetero.

FCC Gouda ladies dancing to Mamang Sorbetero. Photo by Mary Lynn van Dijk.

Their dance pleased the audience so much, they did an encore, with Rosa Cabrillas and Evelyn Mendoza of FCC Rotterdam and Marissa van der Graaf and Nova Villaver of FCC Dordrecht dancing along.
Then it was the turn of FCC Dordrecht to present a dance. Marissa looked splendid in her pink terno, while Nova looked dashing in her barong Tagalog. They danced to a Pantomina Bicol folk song.

Marissa and Nova of the FCC Dordrecht dancing. Photo by Mary Lynn van Dijk.

After thanking Marissa and Nova for such a graceful dance, Amor asked Father Marcel to come to the front and light the tea lights around one of the three cakes baked and beautifully decorated by Lucy van Ginkel-Latraca. Amor asked Rebecca and Billy to come forward to cut the cake, but before they did that, Hans’s daughter and Lucy’s son, Bjorn, came to the front, at Amor’s urging, to represent FCC Gouda’s next generation.

Then came the modern interpretation of a traditional Igorot dance by Nila Tayco, Lilia Bartonico and Marissa van der Graaf. Nila and Lilia are from FCC Rotterdam, while Marissa is from FCC Dordrecht. It was a pleasure to watch the dancers in their traditional Igorot dress dancing with their woven baskets.

Lilia, Nila, and Marissa rendering their modern version of an Igorot dance. Photo by Mary Lynn van Dijk.

Amor then invited everyone to come and dance, and the FCC ladies took up their places on the dance floor, moving in time to the music with natural grace and talent. They also tried to follow the dance steps featured on the beamed videos, but some were much too difficult to follow.

The FCC ladies showing their dancing moves. Photo by Mary Lynn van Dijk.

Then it was the turn of the FCC Rotterdam group to present their La Jota Moncadena dance. Dancing were Arnold Paco and his partner, Lilia Bartonico, Rosa Cabrillas, Linda Sanchez, Margelita Limen and Milanie Eraya.

The FCC Rotterdam dancers dancing their LaJota Moncadena dance. Photo by Mary Lynn van Dijk.

What followed were the parlor games which included the newspaper game, Trip to Jerusalem, and other games, both for the adults and the children.

To close the celebration, the ladies dressed in Filipiniana were asked to come in front. The Best in Costume (Ladies) prize was given to Lovella van der Weiden who had an exquisite red terno on. She received the loudest applause from the audience. The men in their barong Tagalog also competed. Father Marcel received the most applause from the audience, and thus, he won the Best in Costume (Men) prize.

It was a most enjoyable evening. For reflections from members of the community and what the celebration means to them, see Reflecting on 25 Years of Unity and Faith: Celebrating FCC Gouda & Surroundings.

Congratulations to the FCC Gouda Board for organizing a highly successful event.

Decorations were set up by Kristine Baul Morsy, Irene Hameete, Gene Boon and Jereco, Luz van Starre and Lea van Rhijn-Saga. Thank you, ladies, and Jereco. Thank you, too, to Marlyn Rontal who helped prepare the decorations but had to leave for the Philippines.
Thank you to all who brought food and drinks to share. God will bless you for your generosity.
Thank you, thank you to all who helped clean up after the event, under the leadership of Luz van Starre.
Thank you to FCC Rotterdam and FCC Dordrecht for preparing songs and dances, and for coming to Gouda to help celebrate this auspicious occasion.
Thank you, DJ Oxie2, for playing such danceable music.
A special mention and big thank you to Tony Farma and John Santua for providing musical accompaniment with their guitars to the FCC Gouda choir’s wonderful singing.
Thank you, lovely ladies of the FCC Gouda choir. You liven up our Masses.
Thank you, Myra, for creating the PowerPoint presentation.
Thank you, Mercy Ordiz, for taking photos of the event. Thanks, too, to those who contributed their photos.
Our deep gratitude go to the sponsors of this event:
B.E. Hartman, Jr.
J.G. Follero
Tessa van As
Administratiekantoor FiHansieel
Amor and Jaap van Os
J.D. van Kleunen
Lita Henke-Mariano
Ton Smits
V.B. Santua
Lea and Alex van Rhijn
Catherine and Herman de Wild
Jane and Martin Streefland
Elvie Padilla
Gene Boon and Jereco
Elpi Gutierrez
Jochella Was-en Strijkservice.
And special thanks to Marissa van der Graaf, Arnold Paco, Irene Hameete, Amor van Os, Jane Streefland-Osigan, and Susan Horn-Perez for their assistance with the names of those mentioned here.
Finally, thank you very much to Marissa van der Graaf, and Mary Lou Ybañez Van Tol for uploading their video clips to the Facebook page of the FCC Gouda and Surroundings, where the singing and dancing can be viewed (again). Also thank you, Mary Lynn van Dijk for documenting our 25th anniversary celebration through this article– indeed a day to remember!

From the FCC-Gouda Board
Reflecting on 25 Years of Unity and Faith: Celebrating FCC Gouda & Surroundings

Reflecting on 25 Years of Unity and Faith: Celebrating FCC Gouda & Surroundings

On May 28, 2023, the FCC Gouda & Surroundings community came together to celebrate its remarkable 25-year journey. This significant milestone not only marked the passage of time but also highlighted the unwavering commitment, unity, and faith that have shaped this community into a thriving force. Attendees reflected on their experiences, expressing gratitude for the collective effort, the guidance of Father Marcel Uzoigwe, and the sense of belonging that has made FCC Gouda a second home.

Working Together Towards Success:
Arnold Paco, a devoted member of FCC Gouda & Surroundings, recognized the harmonious collaboration within the community. He emphasized the dedication of every individual to their roles, resulting in a well-organized and efficient group. Arnold encouraged everyone to continue relying on the guiding star of the Holy Spirit, emphasizing that with faith as their compass, nothing is impossible.

A Family That Provides Support:
Lita Henke, reflecting on her cherished memories, expressed immense joy at being part of the FCC Gouda community. Over the past 25 years, she and her late husband found solace and comfort in attending the Filipino mass. Lita felt at home from the moment they were warmly welcomed by the group. Despite the challenges of going to Gouda alone after her husband’s passing, she found solace in the supportive nature of the community. Lita’s continued participation is a testament to the family-like atmosphere and the unwavering support offered by FCC Gouda.

Fine & Fun, that’s how it went:
Fr. Cyril summed up his experience in a concise yet powerful statement: “It was fine and it was fun.” His words captured the positive energy and enjoyment felt throughout the celebration, both during the Mass and the subsequent festivities.

A Reverend’s Perspective:
Fr. Mark Robin Hoogland acknowledged the exceptional atmosphere that permeated the Mass and continued long after. The sense of unity and joy was palpable, creating a sacred space for celebration and worship.

Succesvol, Sfeervol, en Gezellig:
Marrietta Boswinkel eloquently summarized the event in Dutch, expressing that it was highly successful, filled with ambiance, and a joyous affair. Her words echoed the sentiments of many who attended the anniversary celebration.

Congratulations and Support from FCC Dordrecht:
Representing FCC Dordrecht, Marissa van der Graaf extended heartfelt congratulations to FCC Gouda & Surroundings on their 25th anniversary. She commended the community’s collective efforts, acknowledging the board members and all community members for their dedication to the Catholic community. Marissa highlighted the unity displayed by the husbands, who selflessly worked in the kitchen during the event, showcasing their love and support. She expressed the desire for continued collaboration and eagerly anticipated participating in FCC Gouda’s 30th anniversary celebration.

The Importance of Leaders and Followers:
Maria Lovell van der Weiden recognized the vital roles played by both leaders and followers within the FCC Gouda community. She emphasized the need for unity and appreciation of every individual’s contributions. Maria applauded the supporters who often work behind the scenes, as well as the leaders who guide and steer the community’s direction. Through this balanced collaboration, she was confident in the community’s ability to thrive in the years to come.

A Home Away from Home:
Kristine Baul expressed her gratitude for FCCG, likening it to a home away from home. She praised the community for its warm and welcoming nature, emphasizing the joyful celebration of their 25th anniversary. Kristine highlighted the cultural significance of Filipino songs and dances, which evoked nostalgia and pride. She acknowledged the importance of belonging to FCCG in strengthening her faith and thanked her FCCG family for their support.

Embracing Challenges and Sharing Talents:
Amor van Os, reflecting on the journey of FCC Gouda, emphasized the trials faced along the way. However, she emphasized the presence of God as a constant companion, guiding the community through obstacles. Amor recalled the leadership challenges in 2012 and recognized the courage of Jan Boon, who took charge during that critical time. She encouraged every member to recognize their unique gifts and talents, urging them to share them with the community for collective growth.

To sum up, the 25th anniversary celebration of FCC Gouda & Surroundings was a testament to the unwavering unity, support, and faith that have defined this community. Attendees reflected on their experiences, expressing gratitude for the collaborative efforts of all members, the guidance of Father Marcel Uzoigwe, and the sense of belonging that binds them together. As they looked forward to the future, the attendees were confident that FCC Gouda would continue to flourish, embracing challenges, and remaining a vibrant beacon of faith for many more years to come.

For a detailed documentation of the celebration, see Filipino Catholic Community in Gouda turns 25: A documentation of the 25th year anniversary by Mary Lynn van Dijk“.

The Filipino Catholic Community of Gouda and Surroundings holds Socio-Gathering Event

The Filipino Catholic Community of Gouda and Surroundings holds Socio-Gathering Event

By Susan Horn

The Filipino Catholic Community of Gouda and Surroundings held its annual Socio-Gathering Event last November 27, 2022 at the Antonius Zaal in Gouda.  It was a night, themed as Gala Night, filled with sharing, fun, laughter, music and warmth.   The event started with a free workshop on Communication by Fr. Marcel Uzoigwe, followed by a sumptuous buffet dinner brought and shared by the  attendees of the event.  All the  while, lively music was provided by the DJs Norie and Nova from FCC-Dordrecht.  

After dinner, the party program started by giving tokens of thanks to the FCC-Gouda volunteers.  This year, acknowledgements were given to Gio Quebral for his service as a mass servant boy and Nelleke Oosterwijk for always helping in the collation of the euchalette.

Everyone had a treat of hearing the golden voices of  Sheryll Brocklehurst and Glenda Huisveld from FCC-Dordrecht.  They did a very impressive duet that the audience clamoured for a second song.   

FCC-Gouda ladies, Lea, Elpi, Christy,  Luz and Marivic, performed a dance number for everyone to enjoy.

Sister Gloria (Jamayca Tagalog and Sister Margareth (Marjorie May Torion), who are visiting Missionaries from Cebu, serenaded all with Christmas carols.  

Another dance number was performed by the members of the FCC-Dordrecht.

In between numbers the DJ provided music so everyone can enjoy dancing on the floor.

One of the  highlights of the night was the awarding of Mr & Ms Gala and The Best in Gala Gown. Mr and Ms Emeka and Enene Abadon was hailed as the Gala Couple of the night.  They were given sash and gift prizes by Fr. Marcel.

Meanwhile, Ms Janice Janapon is the winner of the best Gala gown of the night,  She too was awarded a sash and gift by FCC-Gouda Members.

Another highlight of the night was the awaited FCC-Gouda Tombola Draw.  Here are the list of the happy winners.

1st Prize €50         Sheryll Brocklehurst

2nd Prize €30         Mercy Ordiz

3rd Prize €20         Janice Janapon

Consolation Prizes Winners

Lita Henke

Norma Reyes

Charoes Schuurhuis

Kristian Janapon

Lea Van Rhijn

Congratulations to all the Winners.

It was indeed one memorable night to remember. Everyone was  a very happy in their singing and dancing mood even up to the cleaning of the Hall. 

FCC-Gouda would like to acknowledge and thank the following sponsors and donors of the event.

FiHansieel Company 

Elpi Asiatisch Kleding Reparatie

Mary Lynn Van Dijk

Mercy Ordiz Lea Van Rhijn

And to those who donated Anonymously 

Thank you too to the members of the FCC-Dordrecht, for providing the music especially to Norie and Nova who were the DJs of the night. More Photos from the Socio-Gathering Event are attached below. Thank You and till next year.  


This year 2022 Socio Gathering with the theme “Gala” was again celebrated with a lot of surprising attendees of  church members and families & visitors. The event was  amazing and went very well . The moment to communicate to catch up between  communities and friends ,love ones and friends after the pandemic.

It  is also our special way to thank volunteers and Fr Marcel Uzoigwe for their hard work during the year.  We also like to thank all the sponsors and donors, without them , we could not make it happen. Thank you  for your help and generosity.  We’re delighted to announce that our events  raised  Four hundred and forty two euro’s -netto. This amount will help us continue our work helping the needy.

We still in need of volunteers. Please get in touch with the board members and let our team help you find a tasks  that would suit you – just email Any help is welcome and appreciated.

Thank you .

The Board Members

Photos courtesy of Maryln Rontal

Celebrating the month of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Celebrating the month of the Blessed Virgin Mary

By Susan Horn

The Filipino Catholic Community of Gouda held its annual Flores de Mayo  (flowers of May) and Santacruzan (holy cross) last May 22, 2022.  Flores de Mayo and Santacruzan are typical devotional native celebrations of the Filipinos to Mama Mary in the month of May.

A procession outside the Josephkerk in Gouda was led by Fr. Marcel Uzoigwe, CSSp and Fr. John Bosco Ezedimbu, CSSp.  The Community, holding flowers, sung songs in honor of the blessed Virgin Mary.  At the end of the procession was the Reyna Elena bearing the traditional cross, representing the true cross of Jesus found by Helena of Constantinopole.   The procession ended inside the church, where each participant offered flowers to the Virgin Mother.  Thereafter, the cross held by the Reyna Elena was placed at the altar.  The priests then prayed and blessed the celebration while the community continued to sing Mary’s song in between.

Below are some photos taken during  the Flores de Mayo and Santacruzan celebration.

Holy Retreat is Back! A Reflection of the WHAT and WHY

Holy Retreat is Back! A Reflection of the WHAT and WHY

By Christy Jong

Saturday, March 26,2022 the Filipino Community of Gouda organized a Holy Retreat event. It was a well attended event and participants were able to have a reflection , meditation about themselves.

The day started with Fr. Callistus Offor with a bible phrase “DO NOT BE AFRAID FOR I AM WITH YOU” Isaiah 41:10 .  Followed by questions:

What is a retreat? Why am I here? Why did I decide to come?

Among the numerous reasons to attend the retreat are.

We need rest, we need time to express or share our feelings, we need some moment to reflect. Moments to look at ourselves if we have grown. Need to be open to changing our life and need prayer.

The main topic of the event was about “FEAR”

What is Fear? and How do we deal with fear in our daily lives?

Fear, something can do a lot of damage in our daily lives. Something we are afraid of. Has a lot of negative impacts: Social life, Physical life, Personal life, Spiritual life. It steals our time , values, status and can destroy peace of mind, happiness, health and sanity.

Everyone was given a chance to share what kind of fear they have encountered in life. Participants were divided into 3 groups and each group was able to share and discuss it. And it comes with a discussion that mostly has a fear of being alone in life, the fear of aiming high because of lack of confidence, lack of focus, fear of being rejected, fear of being neglected, fear of what will happen if time will come of dying and so on.

Fr. Callistus discussed the “Strategies of Fear”

A short story was shared and came out with a conclusion that If you feel you are a victim don’t be afraid stand up and fight back know what you are capable of. Decide that you want it more than you are afraid of. 

Each of us must confront our own fears, and must come face to face with them. How we handle our fears will determine where we go with the rest of our lives. To experience adventure or to be limited by the fear of it. Develop self permission, don’t put yourself down. There is power in prayer, there is power in the words of God.

Use your time, use your talent and that you can live your own life.

The day ended that everyone feel inspired ,happy and feel blessed.

Holy Retreat successfully held in Gouda

Holy Retreat successfully held in Gouda

By Maria Lovella Modillas

September 5, 2020 marked another successful occassion for members of our Catholic Community in Gouda! The community has successfully held its second Holy Retreat despite setbacks caused by COVID-19 restrictions. This time. Rev. Fr. John Onoja, C.S.S.p led and facilitated the said holy retreat, which was held at Aalberseplein, Gouda.

Songs of praises made the occasion solemn but lofty! As usual, the occassion began with a prayer, whereby attendees were given a time to reflect and write their prayer petitions on a piece of paper, which was later blessed. Afterwards, Father John gave a brief discussion on the meaning and significance of having a retreat.

In his talk, Father John explained that the word ‘retreat’ is commonly associated with the military. The General or Commander of the troop or battalion calls for a retreat because the enemy  is gaining the advantage! And in many cases, the general has to withdraw his men from the battle field not only to save his remaining men from further injury or death but most importantly to have to rest, recuperate, and regain the strength needed to live and fight the next day. In a spiritual sense, having a retreat connotes setting aside one’s everyday routine to reconnect in a deeper level with God through prayers. It is the time to re-collect, re-member and re-examine one’s self in the light of the questions, “Who I am?”,  “Where I am?“ and  “What I am?”. 

But how do we pray? Father John tackled the aspects of Praying.  Silence is a one aspect. With our culture being addicted to the noises and distractions of our televisions, internet, radios, friends , work and family, praying in silence seems unachievable. Praying in silence means to be quiet in mind and heart and being in a state of meditation . Only through praying in silence will we hear God speak. Only in nothingness can God fill you!

“ Come to me, all you are weary and burdened and I will give you rest . Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” 

Matthew 11:28-30.

Jesus calls for those who are weary and burdened. This means those who are physically or mentally exhausted from unmet dreams, financial burdens, sickness, guilt, regrets, trials and temptations to name a few.  Some will seek a temporary solutions for the weariness by doing drugs , buying anti-depressant medicines, looking answers from fortune tellers, and many more unreliable ways of solving problems.

The Bible undoubtedly says follow Jesus. He is our perpetual and everlasting solution. He will want us to take his yoke for He will teach us and lift us up until we can find the inner rest we are seeking. But what is this “yoke” Jesus is telling us to carry with Him?  Father John explained that back in days , farmers used a yoke, a wooden  crosspiece that is fastened over the necks of two animals and attched to the cart that they are to pull. It is to bind an older cow with a young cow or  donkey . Because of the yoke the young cow with learn from the older cow on how to plough the fields.   Just like Jesus ,our teacher and us , His students. He promised us that his yoke is light and easy to carry!

After the first talk, Father John gave us a moment of silent and meditation. Then we sung beautiful songs of praise and worship.  Right after we went to the Blessed Sacrament for silent adoration and an apportunity for confession.

The second talk was all about ,”Keeping the faith in times of a pandamic”. The corona virus temporarily halted our daily routines, our vacation plans, family or friends visit , church activities and so on. This pandemic is temporary but it may feel like a forever struggle to slowly find normalcy in our lives and in our society!!

 Jesus did not abandon us during this times , He was always with us! This pandemic gave us the realisation of the things we took for granted before because suddenly our movements are restricted and we hate it. Now, we call Jesus more than before , we value church gatherings like this retreat , we feel more closer to one other and we lend our helping hands and ears to people around us! And the most important message amidst the chaos this virus engender is that Jesus wants us to keep the faith. Keep it burning for He alone is our light and hope!

To conclude, the retreat ended with a  Holy Mass and with participants happy to go home with a clearer understanding of what a retreat means and what it does to our spiritual growth. Among the general feedback are as follows:

“I understand clearly the meaning of retreat. At first it’s like hard to explain pag me nagtanong. Now, i understand very well.”

“The retreat is very fulfillin. It’s a time well spent and happy I went. I love the atmosphere, love the preachings, and love the time spent on praying.”

Photos courtesy of Marlyn Rontal