FCC-Gouda raffle draw fundraising results

FCC-Gouda raffle draw fundraising results

The regular 4th Sunday mass celebrated by the Filipino Catholic Community of Gouda & Surroundings is back! On July 26, 2020, the community happily celebrated the mass at OLV Hemelvaartkerk after months of COVID-19 lockdown. Every year, FCC-Gouda celebrates Family Fun Day, a social gathering of all members of the community and their families for merriment, fellowship, and communal dining. But due to COVID-19-related restrictions, this year’s Family Fun Day celebration is cut into an hour gathering with few games, just drinks, and the annual raffle draw fundraising event.

FCC-Gouda needed to raise funds and push through with the planned raffle draw despite the foreseen difficulty of selling tickets and possibility of a cancelled event. By God’s grace, the 4th Sunday mass at the church and the Family Fun Day gathering and fundraising went through successfully. Winners of the raffle draw are as follows:


1st Prize (€75): Ticket # 101— Fr. Marcel Uzoigwe

2nd Prize (€50): Ticket # 384 — Eva Donaire Kroeze

3rd Prize ( €25): Ticket # 602 — Elma May Lich-Asumbrado


  1. Gift Certificate (€20) Donated by Aziatisch Kleding Reparatie: Ticket # 317 — Joy Bouma          

2. Gift Certificate (€15) Donated by Aziatisch Kleding Reparatie: Ticket # 842 — Norma Reyes      

3. Gift Certificate (€15) Donated by Aziatisch Kleding Reparatie: Ticket # 824 — Dulce Permanes

4. Jewelry Accessories: Ticket # 850 — Christy de Jong  

5. Grocery Items: Ticket # 310 — Joy Bouma   

6. Grocery Items: Ticket # 103 — Fr. Marcel Uzoigwe 

7. Set of Wine Glass: Ticket # 305 — Joy Bouma 

8. Set and saucer: Ticket # 230 — Tess van As  


Best Raffle Ticket Sellers: Marivic Adema & Susan Horn-Perez

YOU ARE ALL WINNERS! To all who supported us for this cause, from producing the raffle tickets to giving your donations for the prizes, selling the raffle tickets, buying the tickets with a cheerful heart, consolidating all sold tickets, drawing the winners, and making a financial report, THANK YOU VERY MUCH! Together, we’ve raised a total of €465!


Dear Brothers & Sisters in Christ,

Thank you so much for your continuous support to our once-a-year celebration of Family Fun Day of the Filipino Catholic Community of Gouda and Surroundings. We are very happy to have you. Your donations have been able to help our activities & diaconal work. Your continuous support helps us build a strong foundation that fosters growth and enriches the worship life of the Christian community. You make the difference, especially in this time of crisis. Your help sustains our mission, and we are sincerely grateful for all your help and support.

Our special thanks to our volunteers and donors:

  • Marivic Adema
  • Myra Colis
  • Elpi de Clercq
  • Elpi Aziatisch Kleding Reparatie
  • Susan Horn-Perez
  • Mar Jane Streefland
  • Amor van Os

If you have any questions regarding our work and how the proceeds will be put to use, please do not hesitate to contact us.

With much appreciation and thanks,

The FCCG Board


July 26, 2020 4th Sunday Mass Online

You’re invited: Couple’s Blessing

You’re invited: Couple’s Blessing

You’re all invited to our Couple’s Blessing. It is a unique day to celebrate. We have special giveaways for you. Please come!

Featured photo credit: Simon Matzinger (pexels.com)

Holy Retreat in Eindhoven

Holy Retreat in Eindhoven

You’re invited to Fccgouda & Surroundings yearly Holy Retreat. It is a first come first served basis. Please reserve now ,for your seat number.
FCC-Gouda Social Gathering

FCC-Gouda Social Gathering

By Maria Lovella I. Modillas

The Filipino Catholic Community of Gouda organized  a social gathering event. Members of other Filipino communities, like the FCC Dordrecht, as well all interested guests were welcome to participate. The purpose of the event was to create more social and spiritual conviviality among members and to offer opportunity to people who like to connect with the community, especially those who share similar ideals and needs. It was also meant to offer opportunity for growth and transformation in various areas of the human person.  Thus, the activities were planned to touch on the  spiritual, emotional, social and relational dimensions such that participants would be enriched in one way or the other.

It was a well attended event and participants were blissfully engaged and fully enjoyed themselves. The hall was packed with over 60 people. It was vividly an evening to remember; an event like no other because aside from the bible reflections and dances presented,  there were testimonies given by those who wanted to share their spiritual journey as well as experiences  with the FCC community.

The evening started with Father Marcel leading a bible reflection session with the Theme: Encounter with Jesus. The encounter of two biblical figures with Jesus formed the basis of the reflection. The first reading was taken from John chapter 4 verses 1 to 10 . It deals with the meeting of Jesus with the Samaritan woman at Jacob’s well. Jesus, passing through the town of Samaria , was tired and sat down by the well. Then came a woman of Samaria to draw water from the well, and Jesus asked if she could give him some water to drink. The woman, hesitant, told Jesus, “You are a Jew and I am a Samaritan woman. How can you ask me for a drink?” ( Bear in mind that during that time, Jews do not associate with Samaritans.) Jesus replied, “ If you knew the gift of God and who it is that asks you for a drink, you would have asked Him and He would have given you the living water. With that request for water, Jesus opened a conversation with this stranger, who in turn got so engaged in conversation that she began to ask deeper questions regarding true worship as she noticed that Jesus could be a prophet or someone special. “ The conversation between Jesus and the Samaritan woman so touched  the latter that she went to invite members of her village to come and experience the good news regarding this man called Jesus.

The second reading was taken from Luke chapter 19 verses 1 to 10. This is the story of Zaccheaus, the tax collector, wealthy and despised by his fellow Jews. Tax collectors worked for occupied Roman forces. They collected taxes for the imperial rulers and enriched themselves through smart but corrupt practices.  When Zaccheaus heard that Jesus was passing through Jericho, he wanted to see Him. But due to the crowd surrounding Jesus, he could not gain access to Jesus. He ran ahead and climbed a tree. Jesus saw him, asked him to come down and told him that he must stay at his house. Zaccheaus came down and welcomed Him gladly, showed repentance by offering to give half his wealth to the poor as well as pay back fourfold to anyone he defrauded.

These two bible passages were the focal point of the bible reading, though other passages like the call of Matthew (Matthew 9:9-13) and the encounter with Mary Magdalene in the house of Simon (Luke 7:36-39) were brought in to highlight certain points, including the following:

  • Jesus did not meet any of these people in the church or where people refer to as holy places.
  • Jesus neither looked down on any of them nor condemned them. When you condemn someone, you don’t have time to love him or her.  Only love changes people, not force or condemnation.
  • None of these people expected that Jesus would meet them and that there would be a great change in their lives.
  • People murmured against Jesus meeting with these people due to their reputation in the society.
  • The disciples were surprised to see Jesus talking with a Samaritan woman alone in such an open place.
  • The ‘holy’ people complained about Jesus eating with Matthew and Zacchaeus.  Also against the sinful woman (Mary Magdalene) that anointed Jesus in Luke 7:36-39

Jesus’ encounter with these people brought so much changes in their lives that made them became productive and examples of Christian living. Besides, they ended up being great men and women of God. This is a great encouragement on what we can become with the grace of God.

  • The woman at the well became the first evangelist, even before the disciples (He spoke about Jesus to the people even before Jesus could send out his disciple for the first time).
    • Zacchaeus became a philanthropist and an example of restitution as a sign of repentance.
    • Matthew became the writer of the Gospel according to Matthew which is the first book in the New Testament Bible.
    • Mary Magdalene became the first to see Jesus after the resurrection (Mark 16:9).

Participants were divided into groups to discuss on any of the two passages. Guiding questions given to facilitate discussion on the topics were as follows: 1. What encounters have brought something new to your life? 2. What is your personal encounter with Jesus? 3. What are the obstacles to building a strong relationship with God? 4. How has/can the FCC family improve(d) my relationship with God. Members who wanted to share their testimonies about life experiences , spiritual journey , and whatever they want to share with the group could do so.

Jesus was neither allowed by tradition to have a conversation with a Samaritan woman because he is a Jew nor was he permitted by social convention of his society, as a Godly figure, to be friendly with a tax collector because of the latter’s unpleasant reputation. These, however, did not hinder him from reaching out to these people condemned by society because he is there for everyone, without discrimination.  Relating to the two biblical stories, which were interesting and practical, the participants had engaging and fruitful discussions. The testimonies that followed were all uplifting and inspirational.

Participants took time to share how contact with FCC has brought them closer to God, strengthened their faith, gave them new friends and a community that is there for them during their darkest moments. FCC in like manner,  extends it’s helping hands to everyone in the community, undertakes visits to prisoners, organizes novena for the departed loved ones or for the sick, helping with some documents, sharing or giving a ride and sending uplifting words or messages. But among the testimonies , two people gave an extraordinary story of strength and faith.

Kathy Grimme  shared her personal battle with cancer. She bravely shared that inspite of the hardships she went through during doctor’s appointments and chemotherapy, she saw silver lining on the cloud as she remained positive and trusting in God in the midst of the overwhelming darkness. More important is the fact that she was given time to prepare her loved ones emotionally, especially her two little girls. She gave all her burden to the Lord and that made it easier for her to face the challenges ahead. As she successfully won one battle, another was readily at hand. Eventually her left foot was amputated. But that was a victory considering the fact that most of those who suffered the type of cancer she had never lived to tell their stories. Despite all these trials, Cathy remains unfazed , her strength comes from her family and friends’ support and above all, from her firm believe in Jesus Christ.

Pascal Kroeze’s testimony  is also one of triumph. He recalled the difficulties of growing up and being negatively influenced by peers. He lost knowledge of God like most of his peers and took a path of spiritual decline thereby experiencing negative spiritual, emotional and physical consequences. . His life changing moment came when he was diagnosed with a tumor on his right kidney and that gave rise to a chain of bad news: his health deteriorated, he lost his job and lost his car. During those times, he recalled his past mistakes and realized he needed to have a change in the direction his life was going. During this dark period, he needed God to convince him of his loving presence, which he received in an extraordinary manner. With the help of few believers around him, especially his wife who prayed earnestly with  him, he made a decision to give his life to Jesus and strengthen his faith in Him.  This led to his baptism and active participation in the life of the Christian community. By the grace of God, the operation to remove the tumor was successful and he is now building a stronger relationship with Jesus Christ.

The fun continued after the testimonies. Both the FCC Gouda and FCC Dordrecht members showcased their dancing talents with some Filipino cultural dances as well as other heart-warming dancing steps. The event also provided sumptuous dinner including some Filipino delicacies. The night ended with everyone being happy, inspired and rejuvenated.