Saturday, March 26,2022 the Filipino Community of Gouda organized a Holy Retreat event. It was a well attended event and participants were able to have a reflection , meditation about themselves.
The day started with Fr. Callistus Offor with a bible phrase “DO NOT BE AFRAID FOR I AM WITH YOU” Isaiah 41:10 . Followed by questions:
What is a retreat? Why am I here? Why did I decide to come?
Among the numerous reasons to attend the retreat are.
We need rest, we need time to express or share our feelings, we need some moment to reflect. Moments to look at ourselves if we have grown. Need to be open to changing our life and need prayer.
The main topic of the event was about “FEAR”
What is Fear? and How do we deal with fear in our daily lives?
Fear, something can do a lot of damage in our daily lives. Something we are afraid of. Has a lot of negative impacts: Social life, Physical life, Personal life, Spiritual life. It steals our time , values, status and can destroy peace of mind, happiness, health and sanity.
Everyone was given a chance to share what kind of fear they have encountered in life. Participants were divided into 3 groups and each group was able to share and discuss it. And it comes with a discussion that mostly has a fear of being alone in life, the fear of aiming high because of lack of confidence, lack of focus, fear of being rejected, fear of being neglected, fear of what will happen if time will come of dying and so on.
Fr. Callistus discussed the “Strategies of Fear”
A short story was shared and came out with a conclusion that If you feel you are a victim don’t be afraid stand up and fight back know what you are capable of. Decide that you want it more than you are afraid of.
Each of us must confront our own fears, and must come face to face with them. How we handle our fears will determine where we go with the rest of our lives. To experience adventure or to be limited by the fear of it. Develop self permission, don’t put yourself down. There is power in prayer, there is power in the words of God.
Use your time, use your talent and that you can live your own life.
The day ended that everyone feel inspired ,happy and feel blessed.
The Parable of the Fruit -bearing tree: What does it mean to be a fruitful Christian?
When Jesus mentioned of this Parable in Luke 6: 39-45 . He was telling us that God sees the heart . We may put on a great show of words and actions but it is what is in our heart that is so visible to God. Jesus asked us why do we observe the splinter in our brother’s/sister’s eye and never notice the plank in our own? Jesus said, “ Hypocrite! Take the plank out of your yes first and then you will see clearly enough to take out the splinter that is in your brother’s/ sister’s eye “.
In these modern world, we try to focus on the faults of others , no matter how true, to take the focus off our own.
Then Jesus proceeded to mention that “there is no sound tree that produces rotten fruit, nor a rotten tree that produces sound fruit. For every tree can be told by its own fruit. Figs are not taken from thorns, nor gather grapes from brambles. A good man produces goodness from the good of his heart ; an evil man produces evil out of his store of evil. Each man’s words flow out what fills his heart. “
Father Emmanuel made us realized that a fruitful Christian means that there must be genuine love, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness and gentleness in our hearts that reflects our actions to others. But only when we first acknowledge our own faults and be a better person then our actions will bear good outcome for our children, family ,friends and to the community.
He even reminded us of the on-going conflict between Russia and Ukraine . This is the time to be a fruitful Christian, to bear good fruits of good deeds and including them in our prayers for the conflict to end.
After the Mass, our Priest requested couples to come forward. He blessed and prayed for their successful Marriage and Family life. Father Cyril also requested the single ladies whose partners are no longer with us and the ladies who are still looking for a lifetime partner.
The happy, blessed couples of the FCC-Gouda Community
On December 26, 2021, the Filipino Catholic Community in Gouda (FCC-Gouda) and Surroundings held its Tombola fundraising event after the mass. Thanks to the sponsors who donated prizes and the community members and supporters who bought raffle tickets, the community has all together raised a total of €496 (net).
The FCC-Gouda Board would like to thank the following for your generosity, kindness and support. May God bless you all the more!
Ribex International Martin and Mary-Jane Streefland Amor Lagade Irene Hameete Marylynn van Dijk Jenny Luna Elpi Aziatische Kledingreparatie.
Irene Hameete
Marivic Adema
And to EVERYONE who supported and bought raffle tickets, our HEARTFELT THANK YOU! With each donation we receive, we deeply appreciate your support.
First Prize: Lucy & Kees van Ginkel 2nd Prize : Lucy & Kees van Ginkel 3rd Prize: Luz van Starre Consolation Prizes: Jojo van Oeveren Tony Farma Teun Blanken Michelle Streefland
Once again, thank you ALL for making a difference through your help and generosity!
The 28th of February 2021 marked the official first Sunday mass held by the Filipino Catholic Community of Gouda (FCC-Gouda) & Surroundings at the H-Josephkerk as the community has now moved to this new location at Aalberseplein 2 in Gouda. To also officially bid farewell to the community’s old location, last month’s 4th Sunday service was held at the O.L.V. Hemelvaartkerk, which actually served not only as a venue for church services but also as a home for FCC-Gouda in the past 23 years. Marking this transition from old to new, this month’s eucharistic celebration also highlighted the celebration of married couples, who gladly received prayers for blessings of joy, strength, empowerment and love from the community.
Led by Fr. Marcel Uzoigwe, the following prayer and blessings were bestowed not only upon the couples who were present that day but also to all couples watching from home as well as all couples from the Filipino Community of Gouda & Surroundings, the Parish and all those who worship at the H-Josephkerk.
“Dear God, we are praying for all couples in this community and also all couples in this parish—the Dutch community and all who worship here. Father, we ask you who planted the love in them and right from the beginning to refresh and renew their love for one another. Give them the heart to love and to forgive. Give them the grace to forgive. Strengthen them, empower them and be with them in their times of pain. Be with them in their times of confusion. It is your great will that they continually have fulfilling love relationships. Don’t abandon them and don’t leave them. Come into their lives. Renew, bless, uplift, strengthen, and empower them. Let their love for one another grow everyday and let them be a sacrament of your presence who is love Himself. In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen!”
As the song entitled “Through the Years” is being played as background music, each married couple received a rose and a nicely crafted token made with love by Jenny Luna and all courtesy of the FCC-Gouda administration.
The FCC-Gouda Sunday services continue every 4th Sunday of the month with strict compliance with the COVID-19 regulations. The number of people allowed to attend masses in person is restricted to 30 people, but those who stay at home can follow the mass on live streaming. You can find the recording of this month’s celebration HERE.
The Filipino Catholic Community of Gouda and its Surroundings (FCC-Gouda) turned over a new leaf in February, 2021, by having their monthly 4th Sunday mass in the H.- Josephkerk in Gouda. The transfer from the OLV Hemelvaartkerk to the much bigger H.-Josephkerk is marked by the enthusiasm of volunteers to make the Mass Service more meaningful for the whole community.
Elpidia Gutierrez, Irene Hameete, Marlyn Rontal, Rena van Kleunen and Jenny Luna volunteered to train as flexible sexton ( koster) and acolyte. Their training was guided by no less than Fr. Dick van Klaveren, (Sint Jan de Doper Parish Priest) and Ms. José Ligthart. The volunteers spent two Saturdays to get acquainted with the Do’s and Don’ts of the church protocols. They also learned how to properly serve and assist the priest during the mass. The orientation, lessons and actual practices and procedures of being Kosters and Acolytes were eagerly met by both parties. Meanwhile, Mr. Hans Oosterwijk spent time learning the mechanics of doing Live Broadcast under the tutelage of Mr. Cees Ligthart.
FCC Gouda volunteers with Ms. José Ligthart
FCC Gouda volunteers with Fr. Dick van Klaveren
On February 28, 2021, the new Kosters/Acolytes were presented and inducted during the 4th Sunday mass by the FCC Gouda Chaplain, Marcel Uzoigwe, CSSp. They took an oath to acknowledge themselves as members of the Catholic Church, living according to the Catholic profession of faith, to devote themselves with love and peace to the service of God in the community, to render service for worthy celebration of the Holy Eucharist, and to do all the responsibilities and tasks where they are chosen for to do.
Oath Taking of new acolytes by Fr, Marcel Uzoigwe, CSSp with Ms. José Ligthart. L-R: José Ligthart, Rena van Kleunen, Jenny Luna, Elpidia Gutierrez, Irene Hameete. Marlyn Rontal is also one of the newly trained acolytes but not on the photo.
Fr. Marcel Uzoigwe thanked all volunteers, blessed and praised them for answering and accepting the call of God to serve the community. He challenged them to offer their best to the Lord, to the Filipino Community and all the church communities which may require their services. Finally, he asked them to live a life in Christ and make Him known to all through witness, service and work.
The Filipino Catholic Community of Gouda and Its Surroundings (FCC Gouda) had the privilege to celebrate the first Holy Communion of their children on the 25th October 2020 at the O.L.V. Hemelvaartkerk in Gouda. The build-up to this event had taken a year of preparation for the six candidates. The community was careful to ensure observance of the COVID-19 regulations thereby ensuring that only the allowed number of persons (30) who had to register beforehand, were in attendance.
In spite of the barely empty church, the event was a beautiful one for the children who earnestly looked forward to it and actively participated in the liturgy. The two girls were dressed in beautiful white dresses, while the four boys looked handsome in their white shirts and suits. During the Mass, three of the boys went to the lectern to read the First and the Second Readings, as well as the Prayer of the Faithful. One of the girls recited the Prayer of Pope Francis for the COVID-19 Pandemic. At the end of the Mass, she also thanked the community on behalf of the First Communicants.
The peak of the celebration was the reception of the Eucharist itself. Accompanied by their parents, the children, having practiced every step, came forward individually with lighted candles to receive the Body of Christ from the priest. It was a great moment for both the children and their obviously proud and joyful parents.
The FCCG presented the children with First Communion certificates signed by Pastoor Dick van Klaveren, a Holy Bible, and other gifts. They equally recognized the effort of the teachers and volunteers who in many ways ensured the success of the event. However, in keeping with the COVID-19 pandemic, the FCCG had to cancel all planned celebrations after the Mass.
This was the first time that children of the community received their First Holy Communion. The Filipino Catholic Community of Gouda looks forward to these children’s Confirmation in a few years.
Eerste Heilige Communie bij de FCC Gouda (Dutch Translation) Door Mary Lynn and Kim van Dijk
De Filippijnse Katholieke Gemeenschap Gouda (FCC Gouda) e.o. was bevoorrecht om de eerste communie van zes kinderen te vieren tijdens de mis van 25 oktober 2020 in de O.L.V. Hemelvaartkerk te Gouda. Een jaar voorbereiding leidde tot deze gebeurtenis. De gemeenschap is zorgvuldig omgegaan met de regels omtrent het coronavirus door alleen het maximale aantal van 30 mensen de mis te laten bijwonen, die zich hier vooraf voor moesten registreren.
Ondanks de bijna lege kerk was het een prachtige viering voor de kindere, die er met smart naar uit hadden gekeken en heel actief hadden meegedaan in de liturgie. De twee meisjes waren gekleed in hele mooie witte jurken, terwijl de vier jongens er heel knap uitzagen in hun witte pakjes. Tijdens de mis, kwamen drie van de jongens naar voren om zowel de eerste en tweede lezingen voor te lezen, als de voorbeden. Een van de meisjes las voor het gebed van paus Franciscus over de pandemie. Aan het eind van de mis, sprak zij ook dank uit namens de eerste communicanten voor de gemeenschap.
Het hoogtepunt van de mis was het ontvangen van de eerste communie. De kinderen, elke stap geoefend hebbende, kwamen één voor één naar voren, met hun ouders aan hun zijde, met een verlichte kaars, om Christus’ lichaam te ontvangen van pater Marcel Uzoigwe. Het was een vreugdevol moment voor de kinderen en hun trotse ouders.
Later presenteerde de FCC Gouda de kinderen met Eerste Communie certificaten ondertekend door Pastoor Dick van Klaveren, een Bijbel, en andere cadeautjes. Ook erkende zij het harde werk van de leraren die de kinderen hebben voorbereid voor hun eerste communie, en het harde werk van de vrijwilligers, die hebben bijgedragen aan het tot een succes maken van deze gebeurtenis. Helaas heeft de FCC Gouda na de viering haar geplande activiteiten moeten annuleren door de COVID-19 beperkingen.
Dit was de eerste keer dat de kinderen bij de Filippijnse Katholieke Gemeenschap Gouda zelf zijn voorbereid voor hun eerste communie. We kijken uit naar de eerste vormselviering over een paar jaar.
We are one big family in the church, in our community. We celebrate and glorify the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit as one God. Our faith is a strong foundation which we will pass on to our children. We trust God that our Community will continue to support, nurture, and nourish our children in their spiritual growth and relationship with God.
We come together today to celebrate the important Sacrament of the Eucharist. We join in the joy of our children in receiving the Body of Christ for the first time.
In celebrating this milestone in Christian faith of the Filipino Catholic Community of Gouda and Its Surroundings (FCCG), we wish to acknowledge the efforts of the people who worked hard to make this event possible.
We thank, in a very special way, our First Holy Communion celebrants for taking this big step in their Christian Faith. This day is the beginning of more exciting events in your Christian lives. Congratulations on your First Holy Communion today!
We also thank the parents of the first communicants for their continued support, cooperation, encouragement and guidance during the entire process of the First Holy Communion preparation.
We say a big thank you to our Pastoral teachers, Elpi Gutierrez and Irene Hameete, who carried out the First Communion classes/seminars.
Thank you, Teun Blanken, for your assistance and help in arranging the venue for the First Communion classes.
To the FCC Gouda and Surroundings volunteers who in one way or the other, contributed to the success of this event, thank you very much, including Marlyn Rontal, Kathy Grimme and Suzanne Ventura for capturing the moments, Christy de Jong for providing the music, and Jenny Luna for ushering our guests and participants.
To all our sponsors and donors, thank you very much.
To our Priest Fr. Marcel Uzoigwe, CSSp, we say thank you for all your hard work, guidance and ministry.
Finally, we wish to acknowledge and show our appreciation for the collaboration and support of the Parish Priest, Pastoor Dick van Klaveren, and the Parish staff members.