January 27, 2019 (Sunday) is the 4th Sunday of the month, and, therefore, is the first Sunday celebration of the year for the Filipino Catholic Community of Gouda (FCC-Gouda) & Surroundings. On this day, the members of the community happily gathered together to welcome the year with a fully packed agenda of the day.
The one-hour service started with early arrivals of church members, greeting one another and welcoming back two of the community’s valued priests– Fr. Marcel Uzoigwe and Fr. Mark Robin Hoogland as concelebrants of this Sunday service.
One of the highlights of today’s Sunday activity was the ‘launch’ or start of the FCC-Gouda’s Children Bible Corner (CBC), an initiative to also get the young ones actively involved and get started in deepening their knowledge of God.
Officiated by Fr. Mark, the community was also delighted to witness the Confirmation of Pascal Benjamin Hendrikus Kroeze. The confirmation ceremony comes in four acts: (1) the laying on of hands, a biblical gesture by which the gift of the Holy Spirit is invoked; (2) reciting of the creed to profess one’s faith; (3) the anointing of Chrism, which signifies that the person being confirmed is now sealed with the gift of the Holy Spirit; and (4) receiving the cross, which symbolizes the person’s Confirmation.
Meanwhile, on the other side of the room, the children were all enthusiastic in meeting the other kids, sitting face to face, and knowing each other by name. Above all, through CBC, the children get the chance to be heard as well as to share their thoughts, feelings and experiences.
For the four volunteers helping out with this first CBC, they too find it delightful to have the children say something about who God is and why they are in the church. To sum up the brief but delightful conversations, CBC coordinator of the month, Myra Colis, taught the children an English song called, “My God is so Big” with the following lyrics saying, “my God is so big, so strong and so mighty… there’s nothing my God can not do.”
As usual, the mass ended by greeting the birthday celebrants of the month, followed by the fellowship & salu-salo time to complete the day’s provision of food not only for the mind and spirit but also for the body.
Contributor: Susan Horn | Photo credits: Susan Horn, Kathy Grimme, Lovella Modillas
Before the year ends, the Filipino Catholic Community in Gouda (FCC-Gouda) and the Filipino Catholic Community in Dordrecht (FCC-Dordrecht) joined forces and have successfully completed the first of many more upcoming leadership and organizational trainings to help the community move forward. Members of the Board, leaders or officers and future leaders as well as active members from both communities joined together on November 24, 2018 at the O.L.V. Hemelvaartkerk in Gouda for the 5-hour training on transformational leadership.
Led and facilitated by Myra Zymelka-Colis, Content & Concept Developer at E3 Data Intelligence Services (e3dis) and the Founding Chairperson of MABIKAs Foundation-The Netherlands, the interactive training focused more on understanding the WHYs, WHATs and HOWs of the organization and clarifying what the FCC communities are here for (vision, mission and goals).
What further added value to the training is the presence and support of Father Marcel Abouchi, of whom FCC will always be grateful for for his commitment and dedication in helping us meet the needs of the church and community members.
Seven (7) of the participants are from FCC-Dordrecht and eleven (11) are from FCC-Gouda. Apparently, the 7/11 attendees find the training workshop valuable and were all happy to end the day with positive and constructive feedback such as follows:
“Thank you, Myra, for the educational and spiritual leadership training. It has enlarged my mission as a Christian and as a member of FCC. It was worth listening to every word.”
The prayer warriors of the Filipino Catholic Community (FCC) of Gouda & Surroundings have joined hands together with Our Lady of Guadalupe Ambassadress (OLGA) on October 14, 2018 at O.L.V Hemelvaartkerk to pray the living Rosary, the main purpose of which is to help restore and strengthen faith in the hearts of people.
FCC-Gouda & Surrounding would like to thank the OLGA team led by Ms. Evelyn Mendoza from Rotterdam for joining us in making this Living Rosary prayer event a success. We give back all the glory, praise and thanks to God!
The Filipino Catholic Community of Gouda (FCC-Gouda) & Surroundings will hold a Living Rosary prayer gathering on October 14, 2018 at the O.L.V. Hemelvaartkerk in Gouda. It’s a 3-part service from 1pm to 5pm. Interested members of the community, friends and families are all welcome to join in prayer. The program is as follows
13:00 –13:30 Registration of participants
13:00 – 14:00 Overview/orientation and procession (Song; On this Day)
14:00 – 15:00 Sharing spiritual experiences and healing testimonies (Song: Come Holy Spirit)
15:00 – 15:05 Divine Mercy 3 o’clock prayer
15:05 – 15:25 Rosary Prayer
Every participants are invited to offer a lighted candle, or that depends on your number of intentions. Every personal intention means 1 lighted candle.
15:25 – 15:40 Triduum Novena
15:40 – 16:00 Praising veneration of Mother Mary’s portrait
16:00 – 16:50 Get together fellowship (shared Snacks)
16:50 – 17:00 Closing time and cleaning up
1. Every participants must be bring bunch of flowers for the flower offering portion.
2. Candles are available on the church but prepare 1 euro for each candle as a donation