1 John 3:11-21. Psalm 100:1-5. John 1:43-51.

Come and See was the invitation of Philip to Nathaniel, and the same invitation of Jesus to the two disciples of John the Baptist who had asked him where he stays. Sometimes what we need as Christians is this same invitation: Come and See.

We all need to experience Jesus from a personal point of view. It is not enough to hear and read all that there is about the Saviour of the world. Christianity is primarily about a relationship with a Person and that is Jesus!

Nathaniel came and saw and believed, since he was a righteous man. Jesus saw him under the fig tree, Nathaniel was doing something under the fig tree. Probably he was going through the day’s scriptures, and praying for the coming of the messiah (The fig tree was a common place for prayer, especially for young rabbinic students).

Today like Philip we are called to extend our invitations to others to Come and See through our loving service especially those who are not disciples of Jesus. May God help us to follow His Son and invite others to love and follow Him too. Amen. God bless you in this New Year and Happy Weekend!