By Myra Colis

The day started out early with the early birds meeting up at Reeuwijk from 10AM to secure the spot, set up the tent and place the FCC-Gouda banner to mark the meeting point within the beautiful surroundings of Reeuwijkse Houtwal.

The day was filled with a variety of activities, including games for both the children and the adults, the most awaited tombola (raffle draw), dancing, singing, salo-salo (community eating), and relaxing or what the men called ‘getting rid of headaches’.

Thanks to the enthusiastic and very cooperative participants of the family fun day picnic, all the prepared games came to life and brought laughters to the gathering. The first of the seven games was pinata, which was prepared by Myra Colis for the children (and interested adults).

It was after the game that the weather started to tease the participants with raindrops that lasted until all the ground is wet and everyone’s picnic mat is rolled back as if it’s time to go. Despite the wet weather, some continued the singing and dancing under the rain, while the others chat under the protection of the white wide tent that housed all the food and drinks.

After half an hour of rain, the sun finally came back out and filled the rest of the day with warmth and merriment that lasted till 6PM. At around 3.30PM, the three winners of the tombola were drawn by Father Marcel with the help of the children present during the family fun day picnic. The three lucky winners are as follows:

Owners of the winning numbers, please come and claim your prize.

1st prize- 100 euros: Ticket # 0520

2nd prize- 75 euros: Ticket # 0236

3rd prize- 50 euros: Ticket # 0099

The rest of the games were enjoyed by the adults, especially the bottle bowling and 3-legged game prepared by Amor van Os, the straw game prepared by Margie Zwanenberg, ‘wearing clothes without hands’ game prepared by Joylyn, and the cup game prepared by Father Marcel. All the winners received loads of fun as their prize.

Overall, it was a successful gathering. Based on the feedback of the members of the community who were able to attend the gathering, the mission of having fun as a big family was accomplished.

Coming together as one, sharing good company and food, staying and sticking together when the rain fell down and enjoying and rejoicing when the sun came out. What more can you ask for? Last Saturday’s FCCG Funday Picnic is an epitome of what FAMILY is all about.

Susan Horn

We had and nice day and lot of foods and good company God bless you all! PS. Thnx for the pictures. Also from “flipper “ Ronald.

~ Tess van As

It was very succesful event and everyboday have fun, it’s nice to see children having a great time and participating games. Everybody felt happy en welcome. Let’s do it again next yr.

~ Mary Jane Osigan

Het was super duper leuk en gezellig. Iedereen was samenwerking jong en oud. De kinderen hebben genoten. Het was echt leuk. Bedankt voor iedereen.

~ Marietta Boswinkel

It was super gezellig …and felt the warmth of everyone during the event.

~ Anonymous

Het was leuk en gezellig iedereen naar zijn zin, volgende jaar weer.

~ Anonymous

On behalf of the FCC Board, thank you very much to our volunteers. Your help & generosity is priceless. Thank you for your continuous support, rain or shine, present or not. We all love you . God bless our community🙏