Matt 1.1-7

Looking at the family root or the genealogy of Jesus Christ, two or more things are obvious. This is the genealogy of the Son of God, yet it was not a perfect family root; in this lineage we see Solomon, the son of David’s wife whose husband he killed after committing adultery with her.

We see Obed, whose mother Ruth had to use seduction of Boaz to enter into the lineage. Again, we see the greatest of people, Solomon is still considered the wisest king ever, David is still regarded as the greatest king of Israel and the giant killer.

There are pros and cons in the genealogy, yet Jesus came through that imperfect and crooked genealogy. There are people who are still blaming their forefathers, their family roots, family foundations, etc.

No matter how wrong or right you are, you must know that there’s no family with perfect root. By faith and hard work, you can change the history and story of your family. By encouraging your family members and supporting instead of fighting each others, you can raise giant killers and wise rulers.

Stop blaming your family root, you are rooted in Christ, you have the One Who purifies all that is impure. Without faith and character, no amount of family liberation and healing of root can save you.

You must be rooted in Christ, be positive and encourage and support your family, then, the Lord of all powers and mights will raise, heal, and liberate you in His love and power through Christ our Lord.