This is one of the greatest principles I have seen in the Bible coming from Jesus Himself. Like Martha we worry/fret about so many things, we are highly distracted by a lot of things. The most unfortunate thing is that in the midst of all these fretting, we forget the few things that matter. A great man once said that the two most important days of your life is the day you were born and the day you find out why. Greatness is about mastery, success is about focus. Many of us wake up everyday trying to do just anything and many things without knowing which one is more important and why. Jesus said to Martha, ‘only few things are important…’ I promise you that your life will be better if you choose few important things in every aspect of your life; business, family, work, community etc and become a master and great in those few areas. Stop fretting and coasting like butterfly, discover the few things that matter and give it your best and you will not regret it. May you like Mary be given the wisdom and courage to choose the best part and may it never be taken away from you in Jesus name Amen!

Wk 27 Ordinary Time | Reading: Luke 10.38-42