Isaiah 40:25-31. Matthew 11:28-30

Once in the Junior Seminary, a seminarian went to report an issue to the Rector. He told the latter that he caught seminarian X sleeping in the chapel, looking expectantly at the Rector for the ultimate pronouncement of a punishment for the sleeping boy. Surprisingly, the Rector told him to leave the seminarian alone, since he was sleeping in his ‘father’s house’. Today, Jesus tells us to come and find rest in Him. He will make our burdens and troubles light. Jesus knows our challenges and what we are passing through. The way to achieve this is to take the yoke of Jesus upon ourselves (submitting oneself to His authority). His yoke is easy and his burden light. The Christian life lived by faith and love is a lighter yoke and burden to carry than the legalistic laws of the Pharisees/righteousness, moreover Jesus through His obedience had carried our burden, thus if we follow Jesus (or yoked together with Him); the journey becomes easy and we can rest or even ‘sleep’ like the seminarian in our story. ARE YOU READY TO FOLLOW JESUS AND TAKE HIS YOKE?

We celebrate today the memorial of our Lady of Guadalupe or the Virgin of Guadalupe, which; as a devotion has reached many places in the world today. The Blessed Virgin Mary appeared to a convert Juan Diego, who had a church built in her honour. In this place, Mary showed herself as a tender and compassionate Mother, reaching out to the poor and calling them to faith in Jesus Christ. PRAYER: Lord God, may we learn to follow Jesus and rest in Him always. God bless you today and do have a blessed day*.