The Filipino Catholic Community of Gouda (FCC-Gouda) & Surroundings is a community of believers with a vision of a world having one heart, one soul, compassionate in deeds and service, all united by the love of Jesus Christ. It is our mission to build a strong foundation, grow and enrich the worship life of the Filipino Community and fellow Christians.

Loving Christ and the Needy and the Forsaken

Loving Christ and the Needy and the Forsaken

Do we make our time, knowledge, and talents available to reach out to them, to help those confused, or needing direction and care? Let us ask for the grace to always use our wealth positively to help those in need so that when that day comes, those acts of kindness will speak on our behalf…

Ask & you’ll receive; seek and you’ll find

Ask & you’ll receive; seek and you’ll find

What does this say to us about human relationships? Jesus asked, “Which of you fathers, if your son asks for a fish, will give him a snake instead?” (Luke 11:11). Where does the interest lie? Is it just what I want or what is good for the other? If the interest of the other is central, it will not be very difficult to make adjustments…

Following Jesus without Hesitation

Following Jesus without Hesitation

Today’s Gospel is actually the story of failed invitation to follow Jesus. Luke deliberately places this story in the context of Jesus going to Jerusalem. It reads, “when the days of his exaltation were about to be fulfilled, he resolutely accepted the journey to Jerusalem”, the city of his suffering and of his resurrection. With these three stories, Luke wants to make clear to us the very things that constitute obstacles to following Jesus…

Faith in the Risen Lord Jesus Christ

Faith in the Risen Lord Jesus Christ

Homily of the Second Sunday of Easter  (Acts 5:12-16, Ps.117:2-4.22-27, Rev. 1:9-13.17-19 & Jn. 20:19-31) Today, in a special way, we celebrate the mercy of God our Father. In the Jubilee Year 2000, Pope John Paul II proclaimed the Sunday after Easter a Sunday of...

What does it mean to be a fruitful Christian?

What does it mean to be a fruitful Christian?

The Parable of the Fruit -bearing tree: When Jesus mentioned of this Parable in Luke 6: 39-45 . He was telling us that God sees the heart . We may put on a great show of words and actions but it is what is in our heart that is so visible to God.  Jesus asked us why do we observe the splinter  in our brother’s/sister’s eye and never notice the plank in our own?…

Power in the Word of God

Power in the Word of God

The word of God is central to our lives. John 1: 1-3 indicates that all things were made by the word of God which is God himself. This identification of God with his word signifies our closeness with God. When we hear the word of God, it is God himself who is taking form in us. ..

The Holy Family

The Holy Family

By Fr. Marcel Uzoigwe, CSSp. | Sir 3:2-6.12-14; Psalm Ps 128; Col 3:12-21; Lk 2:22-40     Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, Today we celebrate the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph. It is important to keep an eye on our own families and recognize...

Stay Awake

Stay Awake

A New Liturgical year begins today with the First Sunday of Advent. Advent means ‘Coming’. It is the Season of waiting in hope for the coming of the promised Messiah…

Called to participate in the universal mission of God

Called to participate in the universal mission of God

By Marcel Uzoigwe, CSSp. (Numbers 11:25-29, James. 5:1-6, Mark 9:38-43, 45, 47-48)  Dear brothers and sisters,  The readings of today point to the universality of the mission of Christ. We all are called in one way or another to take part in one way or the...

Stand up and be counted among His faithful disciples

Stand up and be counted among His faithful disciples

By Fr. Marcel Uzoigwe | (Josh.24:1-2,15-18, Ps.33:2-3,16-23, Eph.5:21-32 & Jn.6:60-69)    Dear Friends in Christ,  The readings of today, especially the first reading and the Gospel, concentrate on the importance of making the right choices based on...