The Filipino Catholic Community of Gouda (FCC-Gouda) & Surroundings is a community of believers with a vision of a world having one heart, one soul, compassionate in deeds and service, all united by the love of Jesus Christ. It is our mission to build a strong foundation, grow and enrich the worship life of the Filipino Community and fellow Christians.

Call to change and serve God in the way we live

Call to change and serve God in the way we live

By Fr. Marcel Uzoigwe, CSSp (Ezk.18:25-28, Ps.24, Phil.2:1-11 & Matt.21:28-32)   Dear friends in Christ, We are conversant with such sayings as these: A man’s worth is not measured by what he says but what he does; Talk is cheap; Making promises is not the same as...

Stewardship in God’s Household

Stewardship in God’s Household

By Fr. Marcel Uzoigwe, CSSp. (Is.22:19-23, Ps.138:1-8, Rom.11:33-36 & Matt.16:13:20) Beloved friends in Christ,  The readings of today invite us to review the basic foundation of our stewardship. This is necessary given that stewardship in God’s household is...

Wisdom to cherish the supreme value of the Kingdom

Wisdom to cherish the supreme value of the Kingdom

By Fr. Marcel Uzoigwe, CSSp. (1Kigs.3:5,7-12, Ps.119, Rom.8:28:30 & Matt. 13:44-52) Dear Friends in Christ, Wisdom makes a lot of differences in life. Wisdom enable us, not just to have knowledge and right judgement, but also proper understanding and right...

Recognizing Christ in our neighbour

Recognizing Christ in our neighbour

By Fr. Marcel Uzoigwe, CSSp (2 Kings 4:8-11, 14-16a; Romans 6:3-4, 8-11; Matthew 10:37-42) Dear friends in Christ, We often presume that others are the beneficiaries of whatever we are generous with, whereas we are actually the ones who reap from our acts of...

Solemnity of the Ascension: The Glory and the Mission

Solemnity of the Ascension: The Glory and the Mission

By Fr. Marcel Uzoigwe, CSSp. (Acts: 1, 1-11; Eph. 1, 17-23; Mt 28, 16-20 ) Dear friends in Christ, Today we celebrate the Ascension of our Lord Jesus into heaven. The first reading details the account of the Ascension while the gospel deals more with the account of...

Meeting Jesus in our life journey: the Emmaus experience

Meeting Jesus in our life journey: the Emmaus experience

By Fr. Marcel Uzoigwe (Acts 2:14,22-33, 1Pet.1:17-21 & Lk24:13-35)  This Sunday’s Gospel deals with the encounter between Jesus and his disciples on the road to Emmaus. The disciples had embraced Jesus as the Messiah but all their hopes were dashed when he...

Encounter with the Risen Lord

Encounter with the Risen Lord

Easter Sunday Homily by Fr. Marcel Uzoigwe (Acts 10:34,37-43, Col.3:1-4 & Jn 20:1-9) Today we joyfully celebrate the resurrection of Our Lord Jesus Christ. It was all dark for the disciples of Jesus on Good Friday when they watched their master being put to death...

We are the children of the Light

We are the children of the Light

By Fr. Marcel Uzoigwe, CSSp (Isaiah 8: 23-9:3; 1Corinthians 1:10-13, 17; Matthew 4:12-23) The readings of today remind us that we are children of the Light. In the light of this theme, I wish to highlight three important points that form the liturgy of this third...