The Filipino Catholic Community of Gouda (FCC-Gouda) & Surroundings is a community of believers with a vision of a world having one heart, one soul, compassionate in deeds and service, all united by the love of Jesus Christ. It is our mission to build a strong foundation, grow and enrich the worship life of the Filipino Community and fellow Christians.

We saw His star

Isaiah 60.1-6, Ephesians 3.2-6, Mathew 2.1-12 Epiphany means manifestation. God manifested Himself in different ways; to the Jews, through the scriptures, to the shepherds, through an angel, to the Wise Men, through The Star. The shepherds went to worship, the Wise...

Come and See

1 John 3:11-21. Psalm 100:1-5. John 1:43-51. Come and See was the invitation of Philip to Nathaniel, and the same invitation of Jesus to the two disciples of John the Baptist who had asked him where he stays. Sometimes what we need as Christians is this same...

Where do you live?

John 1.35-4 Contact is very important. When John pointed out the Lamb of God, his disciples' first question to Jesus was, 'where do you live?' When you meet someone very special to you, the first thing you try to get is the contact. You don't just get the contact, you...

The Lamb of God

John 1.29-3 Today John pointed Jesus out as the Lamb of God. It's surprising that John said, 'I do not know Him;' John leaped in the womb when Mary visited his mother, how come he doesn't know Him? Well, knowing Jesus as a biological relation is different from knowing...

Who are you?

John 1.19-2 Who are you? This is a question you will be hearing all your life. Everything about you; your future, employment, marriage, promotion, election, rejection, success, admission, etc depends on the answer to this question. That's your Curriculum Vitae....

New Year Blessings

Numbers 6, Galatians 4, Luke 2.16-2 This is how God wants you to be blessed this year, 'May the Lord bless you and keep you. May the Lord let his face shine on you and be gracious to you. May the Lord uncover his face to you and bring you peace'. May you receive the...

Family root versus faith

Matt 1.1-7Looking at the family root or the genealogy of Jesus Christ, two or more things are obvious. This is the genealogy of the Son of God, yet it was not a perfect family root; in this lineage we see Solomon, the son of David's wife whose husband he killed after...