Sirach 48:1-4, 9-11. Matthew 17:9-13

Have you ever asked for something in prayer, you have no enough patience to wait and even when it is granted; you fail to understand or know that your request has been granted? This is the is the situation in the Gospel. The Israelite had waited for the Messiah, but when He showed up only very few could recognize Him. They also failed to recognize his Precursor, John the Baptist, hence they did not see the connection between him and Elijah. WHEN WE EXPECT GOD TO ACT IN A PARTICULAR WAY, WE TEND TO LIMIT THE MIGHT OF OUR GOD. BUT GOD CANNOT BE LIMITED. HE IS A GOD OF SURPRISES.

We are called to persevere and keep trusting in the promises of our God. Perseverance is the refusal to quit trusting God no matter what the condition or what you are passing through. DO NOT LOOSE HOPE, YOUR MIRACLE IS ON THE WAY. May God help us to always trust Him even when it seems meaningless to do so.