On May 28, 2023, the FCC Gouda & Surroundings community came together to celebrate its remarkable 25-year journey. This significant milestone not only marked the passage of time but also highlighted the unwavering commitment, unity, and faith that have shaped this community into a thriving force. Attendees reflected on their experiences, expressing gratitude for the collective effort, the guidance of Father Marcel Uzoigwe, and the sense of belonging that has made FCC Gouda a second home.

Working Together Towards Success:
Arnold Paco, a devoted member of FCC Gouda & Surroundings, recognized the harmonious collaboration within the community. He emphasized the dedication of every individual to their roles, resulting in a well-organized and efficient group. Arnold encouraged everyone to continue relying on the guiding star of the Holy Spirit, emphasizing that with faith as their compass, nothing is impossible.

A Family That Provides Support:
Lita Henke, reflecting on her cherished memories, expressed immense joy at being part of the FCC Gouda community. Over the past 25 years, she and her late husband found solace and comfort in attending the Filipino mass. Lita felt at home from the moment they were warmly welcomed by the group. Despite the challenges of going to Gouda alone after her husband’s passing, she found solace in the supportive nature of the community. Lita’s continued participation is a testament to the family-like atmosphere and the unwavering support offered by FCC Gouda.

Fine & Fun, that’s how it went:
Fr. Cyril summed up his experience in a concise yet powerful statement: “It was fine and it was fun.” His words captured the positive energy and enjoyment felt throughout the celebration, both during the Mass and the subsequent festivities.

A Reverend’s Perspective:
Fr. Mark Robin Hoogland acknowledged the exceptional atmosphere that permeated the Mass and continued long after. The sense of unity and joy was palpable, creating a sacred space for celebration and worship.

Succesvol, Sfeervol, en Gezellig:
Marrietta Boswinkel eloquently summarized the event in Dutch, expressing that it was highly successful, filled with ambiance, and a joyous affair. Her words echoed the sentiments of many who attended the anniversary celebration.

Congratulations and Support from FCC Dordrecht:
Representing FCC Dordrecht, Marissa van der Graaf extended heartfelt congratulations to FCC Gouda & Surroundings on their 25th anniversary. She commended the community’s collective efforts, acknowledging the board members and all community members for their dedication to the Catholic community. Marissa highlighted the unity displayed by the husbands, who selflessly worked in the kitchen during the event, showcasing their love and support. She expressed the desire for continued collaboration and eagerly anticipated participating in FCC Gouda’s 30th anniversary celebration.

The Importance of Leaders and Followers:
Maria Lovell van der Weiden recognized the vital roles played by both leaders and followers within the FCC Gouda community. She emphasized the need for unity and appreciation of every individual’s contributions. Maria applauded the supporters who often work behind the scenes, as well as the leaders who guide and steer the community’s direction. Through this balanced collaboration, she was confident in the community’s ability to thrive in the years to come.

A Home Away from Home:
Kristine Baul expressed her gratitude for FCCG, likening it to a home away from home. She praised the community for its warm and welcoming nature, emphasizing the joyful celebration of their 25th anniversary. Kristine highlighted the cultural significance of Filipino songs and dances, which evoked nostalgia and pride. She acknowledged the importance of belonging to FCCG in strengthening her faith and thanked her FCCG family for their support.

Embracing Challenges and Sharing Talents:
Amor van Os, reflecting on the journey of FCC Gouda, emphasized the trials faced along the way. However, she emphasized the presence of God as a constant companion, guiding the community through obstacles. Amor recalled the leadership challenges in 2012 and recognized the courage of Jan Boon, who took charge during that critical time. She encouraged every member to recognize their unique gifts and talents, urging them to share them with the community for collective growth.

To sum up, the 25th anniversary celebration of FCC Gouda & Surroundings was a testament to the unwavering unity, support, and faith that have defined this community. Attendees reflected on their experiences, expressing gratitude for the collaborative efforts of all members, the guidance of Father Marcel Uzoigwe, and the sense of belonging that binds them together. As they looked forward to the future, the attendees were confident that FCC Gouda would continue to flourish, embracing challenges, and remaining a vibrant beacon of faith for many more years to come.

For a detailed documentation of the celebration, see Filipino Catholic Community in Gouda turns 25: A documentation of the 25th year anniversary by Mary Lynn van Dijk“.