John 1.29-3

Today John pointed Jesus out as the Lamb of God. It’s surprising that John said, ‘I do not know Him;’ John leaped in the womb when Mary visited his mother, how come he doesn’t know Him? Well, knowing Jesus as a biological relation is different from knowing Him as the Lamb of God.

Despite the events surrounding their births, John and Jesus had to grow up and discover God’s plan for them. John was given a sign, ‘a dove’ as a confirmation. When he saw the dove coming on Jesus, he recognized Him not as his cousin but as the Lamb of God. Apart from our common knowledge about Jesus, we all need personal encounter and revelation about Jesus, this encounter leads to personal conviction.

There’s something unique about those who are convinced about something. Without conviction, there’s little or no commitment. May you have that encounter, conviction and assurance about Jesus the Savior Who takes away sins and sorrows in Jesus name Amen.