Isaiah 60.1-6, Ephesians 3.2-6, Mathew 2.1-12

Epiphany means manifestation. God manifested Himself in different ways; to the Jews, through the scriptures, to the shepherds, through an angel, to the Wise Men, through The Star. The shepherds went to worship, the Wise Men went to adore with their gifts, the Jews waited for the Wise Men to come back, you know who was disappointed.

In the second reading, St Paul said, ‘it was through revelation that I received the knowledge of the mystery… And this means that the pagans share the same inheritance’. You share the same inheritance with the chosen people of God. The first reading calls us to arise, ‘arise, shine out, for your light has come, the glory of God is rising upon you.’ God still manifests Himself.

Knowing the scriptures and quoting it is not enough, the Wise Men took action and made a move of faith, the Jewish Scribes pointed the direction and refused to follow. Discovery, success, holiness, encounter happens to those who demonstrate faith through action and passion.

May you have the vision to see your star, the passion to follow it, and the actions to reach it. Arise and shine out in Jesus name Amen.