John 1.35-4

Contact is very important. When John pointed out the Lamb of God, his disciples’ first question to Jesus was, ‘where do you live?’ When you meet someone very special to you, the first thing you try to get is the contact. You don’t just get the contact, you maintain contact.

If you value something, you show it by frequent contact, those who love beer know a lot about beer parlours, they can even create one inside their homes. Those who value you must maintain contact with you.

It is not difficult to discover who cares about you or who you care about. Check who you call regularly on phone or who you like to spend time with. Who comes to your mind more often and whose memories bring good feelings.

It is the same with our relationship with Jesus. How often He is in our minds, in our lives and in our desire says a lot. Jesus lives in His Words and Sacraments, if you don’t have frequent contact with Him on any of these two, you don’t value Him.

You can give any excuse and those excuses will definitely show what you value and love. May our hearts find great value in Jesus, May we find where He lives, live where He lives and become where He lives in Jesus name Amen.