John 1.19-2

Who are you? This is a question you will be hearing all your life. Everything about you; your future, employment, marriage, promotion, election, rejection, success, admission, etc depends on the answer to this question. That’s your Curriculum Vitae. Unfortunately, many people have never for once asked themselves, ‘who am I and who do I want to be?’

Many more spend their lives trying to be someone else, even impersonating others. Being like someone doesn’t make you that person. John was like the Christ but he declared openly, I’m not He. I have seen people dressing like Michael Jackson, but they are not making any single effort to be a star, your appearance is not whom you are. Self discovery is the first great step to Mastery, ‘man know thyself’.

To be a Christian is to be like Christ. May you discover yourself this new year and become the best of whom you are. May your star shine in Jesus name Amen.